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Key phrases

You don’t need to say complicated things to get what you want. Often simply naming the thing and adding s’il vous plaît will do the trick, even when asking for directions.

the (masculine)le luh
(feminine)la la
(plural)les lay
the museumle musée luh mew-zay
the stationla gare la gar
the shopsles magasins lay ma-ga-zañ
a/one (masculine)un
(feminine)une ewn
a ticket/one stampun billet/un timbre uñ bee-yeh/uñ tañbr
a room/one bottleune chambre/une bouteille ewn shahñbr/ewn boo-tay-yuh
some (masculine)du dew
(feminine)de la duh la
(plural)des day
some winedu vin dew vañ
some jamde la confiture duh la koñ-fee-tewr
some chipsdes frites day freet
Do you have…?Est-ce que vous avez…?/Vous avez…? es kuh voo za-vay…?/voo za-vay…?
Do you have a room?Est-ce que vous avez une chambre? es kuh voo za-vay ewn shahñbr?
Do you have some milk?Vous avez du lait? voo za-vay dew leh?
I’d like…Je voudrais… zhuh voo-dreh…
We’d like…Nous voudrions… noo voo-dree-oñ…
I’d like an ice creamJe voudrais une glace zhuh voo-dreh ewn glas
We’d like to visit ParisNous voudrions visiter Paris noo voo-dree-oñ vee-zee-tay pa-ree
Some more…Encore du/de la/des… ahñ-kor dew/duh la/day…
Another…Un/Une autre… uñ/ewn ohtr…
Some more breadEncore du pain ahñ-kor dew pañ
Some more soupEncore de la soupe ahñ-kor duh la soop
Some more glassesD’autres verres dohtr vehr
Another coffeeUn autre café uñ ohtr ka-fay
Another beerUne autre bière ewn ohtr byehr
How much is it?C’est combien? say koñ-byañ?
How much is the room?C’est combien la chambre? say koñ-byañ la shahñbr?
large/smallgrand/petit grahñ/puh-tee
with/withoutavec/sans a-vek/sahñ
Where is/are…?Où est/sont…? oo ay/soñ…?
the nearestle/la plus proche luh/la plew prosh
How do I get…?Pour aller…? poor a-lay…?
to the museumau musée oh mew-zay
to the stationà la gare a la gar
to Brioudeà Brioude a bree-ood
There is/are…Il y a… eel ya…
There isn’t/aren’t any…Il n’y a pas de… eel nya pa duh…
When…?Quand…? kahñ…?
At what time…?À quelle heure…? a kel ur…?
todayaujourd’hui oh-zhoor-dwee
tomorrowdemain duh-mañ
yesterdayhier ee-yehr
Can I…?Est-ce que je peux…? es kuh zhuh puh…?
smokefumer few-may
What does this mean?Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire? kes kuh sa vuh deer?
Collins Gem

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