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Some time ago, there was an incident out in New York where police were reported to have sodomized a guy with a plunger handle; or as we would say more clearly in prison terms, they rammed the handle of a plunger up a guy’s ass.

We had an inmate move into the block that must have heard about this, because he accused two Minneapolis police officers of sodomizing him with a plunger.

What happened was that officers had a search warrant and were conducting a drug raid on a house. One officer recognized this guy when they entered the house. He had been arrested before, been given a cavity search and crack cocaine was found stuffed up his rear end. Because of this, the officers checked that hiding place.

This caused the criminal to copy the New York incident and execute his acting skills. His problem was that he couldn’t stay in character.

A news crew caught him on video running across a street with no apparent problem a few hours before a press conference. Black community activists were backing him up and condemning the police. Now that he knew cameras were on him, he was limping, hunched over and making like his rear was so sore that he couldn’t sit down. He put his face in his hands and said he was afraid for his life. Then he collapsed and medics were called to help him.

To make sure the investigation was not biased, the FBI was called in to investigate. They took their time investigating for eight months. All the while, these officers and their families were being subjected to the kinds of negativity that would surround someone that would do something like this. Special interest groups and this criminal’s lawyer kept the heat on through the media.

At least one of the officers took a lie detector test and passed. The criminal refused to take the test.

The FBI cleared the officers, but they were subjected to eight months of hell because of this criminal’s lies. That should be a chargeable offence. This scum bag should do more time and he should have to pay the officers for their grief. The moron’s that jumped on this criminal’s bandwagon ought to be charged and be incarcerated and pay these police officers also. This kind of activity should not be tolerated. There should be consequences so negative that it would deter something like this from ever happening.

To know what happened, consider the source. It’s not difficult to figure out.

We can look at this two ways. First we would have to believe that even after all of the hoopla about this in the past out in New York, both of these policemen would risk their careers copying an act they knew would destroy them like it did the officers in New York. This means two idiot cops would have to be in the same place at the same time and they would have to say to each other, “Let’s trash our lives by finding a plunger and ramming it up this piece of trashes keester just like those cops out in New York did.” Sure it’s possible, but unlikely.

What is more likely is that this scum bag conjured up this story to try to get even with these cops for doing their job and to try to get a nice cash settlement.

There was a Native American a few months before this who accused two Minneapolis cops of beating him and urinating on him. The cops were seen dropping the guy off in his neighborhood. After running a DNA test on the guy, the results proved that the Native American pissed all over himself. People believed this guys story until the DNA results were revealed. The cops had actually helped this scuzz ball out by giving him a ride home.

This is the kind of bullshit that officers have to put up with. There are plenty of people that aren’t identified as criminals that exert this same behavior. You have probably been subjected to lies from people like this. They are out there everywhere. They are good at lying and conning people into believing they are a decent person. Most people just let it go; officers can’t.

The point of this story is that this guy was sent to be bunked in my cell block. We were cautioned to beware of this guy. We were told to always be with another officer when we were around him. In case he wanted to make another wild erroneous accusation, we needed a witness. Health Services had a rule that two staff were to be together with him, so they couldn’t get accused of anything. In other words, the more witnesses that were around, the better chance of him not being able to create a lie about any one of us. The institution didn’t want any trouble from this guy like he created for those policemen that were just doing their job.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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