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Soon after I started working in the prison, inmates were coming back from lunch in A-West. I was working the door post watching them from outside of the cellblock and doing my required pat downs of the offenders as they entered the unit.

All of a sudden an alarm went off. A fight had broken out inside the cellblock. I am not allowed to leave my post under any circumstances. About three fourths of the inmates were through the door. I held the rest of them outside of the cellblock and had them step to the sides so that the A-Team could get through. The last thing we needed were more inmates inside the cellblock watching the fight and possibly joining in.

I swung both doors wide open to give responding officers the most room possible to get inside the block. The inmates being held outside by me kept closing the gap because they were trying to see the fight. I had to keep telling them to stay back.

It was impossible to see what was going on inside of the block because of all the inmates that had come back from lunch. Within seconds the first of about a dozen officers came flying into the unit. After a short period of time a couple of officers started to clear the flag and get the inmates to their cells.

A hyper freaked out black A-Team officer, with a know it all god complex, yelled at me to get the inmates, that I was holding outside of the cellblock, inside the cellblock. I told him I would not do that as it would create more of a problem. Here I am a new guy refusing to follow the directions of someone that had been around close to a decade; that really pissed him off. He got up in my face and yelled for me to do it now. This made no sense to me. I am the one responsible for whatever I do. I may be a new guy, but I’m not stupid, at least as far as I know. I ignored him. He left steaming as he had to go do his job instead of sticking his nose in my business.

I sent the rest of the offenders in once the log jam of bodies had cleared out sufficiently, so that they could get to their cells without creating a larger problem. I sent the inmates from the upper three tiers to their cells first as the stairs to their cells were close to the door. There were three left that were housed on the flag that I sent in last, as that’s where all the action was taking place.

What I couldn’t see from where I was located was that Inmate Pervert was blind-sided by Inmate Assassin. Inmate Assassin knocked Pervert against the wall where the cell doors were located. This knocked him unconscious. He fell to the ground. Assassin quickly started kicking him in the head. Because Pervert was knocked out, his head was flopping around with every kick and splattering blood around. Inmate Assassin 2 joined in to help Assassin by jumping up and down on Pervert s head.

Officer Super Cop called in the assault on his radio. He and Officer Cool saw this going down, put on gloves for protection from diseases from bodily fluids and jumped in to restrain the two aggressors.

The only good thing was that Assassin and Assassin 2 didn't kill Pervert, if that was a good thing, but they did beat him up awfully bad. Pervert's right eye was pouring out blood and was swollen shut. His face was mutilated from being kicked and stomped on. His head was lying in a large pool of blood. Assassin and Assassin 2 were hauled off to segregation. Pervert was down for a long time with the doctor working on him. He was eventually taken out in a wheel chair to be transported to the hospital. We later found out that his eye socket was fractured and his jaw was broken in two places.

What we discovered later was that this was not a random fight. It was a planned hit. All three involved in the assault were Native Americans. The Native Americans had their pipe and drum ceremony this day. This is when the hit was put on Pervert.

The only other group with the opportunity to meet is the Muslims with their Islamic services in the chapel, which is basically a meeting of the Vice-Lords.

Pervert was transferred here from Faribault about a month before this assault, because of being in a fight. Upon arriving at Stillwater, the chief asked for his papers and saw he was a sex offender. Pervert explained that when he was 18 he grabbed the breast of a 15 year old and kissed her. However you don’t get 5 years for this. Upon Pervert refusing other directives from the chief, a hit was put out on him. The Native Americans won’t tolerate the chief not being obeyed and they don’t tolerate sex offenders among their race. They prefer to take care of these things themselves.

Assassin and Assassin 2 are in big trouble with the prison for making the hit and will have time added to their sentence, but they don't care. They have gained honor within their group and will be well taken care of from now on by their group.

A-West is where inmates from segregation were moved when segregation was overflowing (Until B-West became double bunked). Later that night there was another fight in this block. The A-Team was called again. The inmates refused to enter their cells. A B-Level response was called. All available officers from everywhere in the prison responded to this call. I had been informed that B-Level responses were rare and were the last step before a riot situation. Luckily they were able to contain the situation and got the block locked down.

I was in this block again the next day. We kept them locked down for a few days and started to shake down the block. Shakedown in this block was where we cuff everyone, one at a time, lock them in an empty cell and totally tear apart their cell looking for any contraband until we have done this to every cell in the block. While this was being done, I got called to help out in segregation. While I was back there, Pervert returned from the hospital. His face was mutilated. He kept yelling, “Don’t stare at me!”

His parents tried to see him when he was taken to a hospital for more repairs. Some staff member leaked out Perverts travel information. Whoever did could be fired if they were caught. We have to be careful when inmates are taken anywhere, as this is a prime opportunity for an escape attempt.

When Pervert was taken out for surgery, top plastic surgeons must have been used, because I couldn’t even tell he had surgery. He told me they went in around his eye and put in metal in order to fasten the broken bones in his face back together. They put titanium plates in his head. From the time of his assault, he had massive headaches. It was determined that the Native Americans wanted him dead and would not stop until that order from their chief was accomplished.

When there is someone that we cannot realistically protect, a trade of inmates is arranged with another state in hopes that word does not follow the offender there. You generally get some pain in the ass trouble making scum that the other state is looking for an opportunity to dump off on someone.

Super Cop received a bite while breaking up the fight in A-West. Because officers are not allowed to know what diseases the inmates have, he immediately had to start taking the HIV cocktail. This is an egregious flaw in our system. In an exposure situation like this, it is reprehensible that the inmates’ right to privacy supersedes the officers’ health.

Stories fly through this place fast and expand fast. First we heard that Super Cop got bit. The story gradually progressed to him getting 4 bites and a hunk of meat out of his arm. He actually had 2 little teeth marks on his arm.

No matter how small the exposure, the inmate intentionally caused the exposure and Super Cop may have had to take that HIV cocktail unnecessarily.

Let’s get back to that hyper freaked out A-Team officer with the know it all god complex that yelled at me to get my people inside the cellblock, of which I ignored.

As I previously stated, the day after this fight I was assigned to A-West again. This block was on lock down because of the fight. Because of this, we had to deliver turkey TV dinners to them in their cells.

This same officer came into A-West. He came in to eat one of the turkey TV dinners that had been prepared for the inmates. When people come in to get one of these meals, they eat it in the sergeant's office, so the cameras can’t catch them. It is inmate food, not officer food.

I was still torqued off from our encounter the day before. I had spoken to my mentor about the previous day's encounter. He told me I had done exactly what I should’ve done. He told me that I didn’t have to put up with crap from anyone. He said, “A COII is a COII is a COII. COII’s don’t have to take orders from another COII.” He asked, “Do you want me to talk to this guy for you?”

I said, “No, I’ll handle it. I just had to know what the rules were.”

He said, “Great! It’s better that way anyway.”

I was doing something in the doorway of the office. He wanted to get out in order to get a fork. He said, “Get out of my way little man.” as he tried pushing me aside.

I held my ground, pushed him back a bit with my body and let my anger show in my face. OK, I actually showed him a bit of rage. I knew I had to meet force with force. I yelled at him, “I’ll move when I’m through doing my job and you better watch your mouth because you’re smaller than I am.”

He stayed out of my way from that point on. I was ready and waiting for him to try to yank my chain again, but it never happened. We were actually on very friendly terms after that. I found him to be a very effective officer. He was good at dealing with inmates. Despite his minor flaws, he was an asset to the institution.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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