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An inmate lied to try to get an officer in trouble. This happens all the time.

There was a severe weather alert. The officer working upper recreation, basket ball and handball, had to announce for the 30 inmates in that area to move to lower recreation.

One of them became disruptive. He said, “Fuck this! This is bullshit! There ain’t no weather. Why did we even get sent to rec if we can’t play ball?”

The officer directed him again to go to lower rec.

“Oh, that’s right. You wear the shirt. You think you can just tell us where to go whenever you want.”

The officer asked for his ID.

The inmate complied, went to lower rec and reported to the sergeant down there. He showed the sarge a scratch on his hand and told him it was from the upper rec officer assaulting him. The sarge didn’t buy into his line of crap and had him removed.

When this kind of a thing happens, you have to hope that the people above you use some common sense or you are in big trouble from the trouble makers lies. If they get away with it once, they’ll do it again and so will others.

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3

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