Читать книгу Dealing with Difficult People - David Brown, David Brown - Страница 4

Table of Contents


Cover Page

Title Page


Work successfully with difficult people

Understand what makes us tick

1.1 Define what you mean by difficult

1.2 Accept that we are all different

1.3 Ensure communication is two-way

1.4 Manage change

1.5 Understand assertiveness

1.6 Find the causes of discord

Look in the mirror

2.1 Develop your emotional intelligence

2.2 Understand your own reactions

2.3 Check your confidence levels

2.4 Ask yourself, “How do I look to others?”

Step into their shoes

3.1 First take off your own shoes

3.2 Be specific

3.3 Ask yourself how they are different to you

3.4 Accept some differences

3.5 Focus on what motivates

3.6 Establish trust

3.7 Allow for different cultures

3.8 Tailor relationships to suit the need

Give difficult people a chance

4.1 Display leadership

4.2 Define clear outcomes

4.3 Define clear roles and measures

4.4 Reward the right activities and results

4.5 Reinforce appropriate behaviour

4.6 Communicate with a clear purpose

Use the right tool for the situation

5.1 Dig out the data

5.2 Diagnose the problem

5.3 Decide if there is a task-related issue

5.4 Form a psychological contract

5.5 Use third-party feedback

5.6 Use 360-degree feedback

5.7 Create a common framework

5.8 Promote dialogue

5.9 Understand conflict

5.10 Use psychometric profiling

Develop your skills

6.1 Visualize success

6.2 Give helpful feedback

6.3 Encourage feedback from others

6.4 Know the significance of body language

6.5 Get results from meetings

6.6 Look at timelines

6.7 Get personal

6.8 Share information with those around you

6.9 Complain effectively

6.10 Use both power and influence

Resolve conflicts effectively

7.1 Learn together

7.2 Check your own qualities

7.3 Check the situation

7.4 Check if it’s the other person

7.5 Move forward together

7.6 Keep working on the differences

Jargon Buster

Further Reading

About the Author

Author’s Note

About the Publisher

Dealing with Difficult People

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