Читать книгу Goodbye, Hurt & Pain - Deborah Sandella - Страница 11



Do you ever feel overwhelmed by uncomfortable emotions? As if they have consumed you? Everyone has experienced this at one time or another. Because feelings are perceived as unseen and uncontrollable, they can seem like scary ghosts chasing us no matter how much we want them gone. Yet when we give form to our feelings, they suddenly have boundaries. When emotions are measurable, the mind accepts them rather than ignoring them.

What is the color of love? How heavy is sadness? What is the size of anger or the density of pain? Goodbye, Hurt and Pain will help you imagine the form and function of your feelings by looking through an organic lens. Mother Nature is a great teacher with the awe-inspiring workings of the Universe. We, too, are created with life's inherent sense of order and urge to thrive. Since our bodies are a reflection of Nature, we can use the natural world as a metaphor to solve our problems. As early as 1452, men studied birds closely in order to understand flight; the Wright brothers gained insight from observing pigeons when designing the first airplane.7 This concept is now a scientific discipline called biomimicry, which comes from the Greek words bios for “life” and mimesis “to imitate.” Similarly, Goodbye, Hurt and Pain uses Nature as metaphor to comprehend emotions better.

Physics is one of the oldest explored natural sciences—the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts of energy and force. In general, physics helps us understand how the universe behaves. Goodbye, Hurt and Pain uses processes in physics as metaphors to give shape and movement to invisible emotions, similar to the way scientists imagined invisible forces like gravity, electricity, and electromagnetism even before their existence was proven. As feelings take form, the rational brain engages with matters of the heart, and our emotions become manageable in ways we've not considered until now.

Emotions predictably expand and contract, and throughout this book we'll look at how taming big, uncomfortable, invisible feelings and memories can help you gain an exhilarating sense of emotional mastery. Once you know how to dial in to your feelings, your native emotional intelligence begins to respond much like a self-cleaning oven, problem-solver, and success magnet. And results come quickly. You will find yourself resolving deep-rooted problems and manifesting your dreams at speeds as fast as Google search results. Again, the answers originate outside the logical mind.

You'll learn how emotions work—and how to have yours working effortlessly for you—through recent neuroscientific findings and compelling real-life stories. You will also have an opportunity to practice ramping up your own emotional intelligence through Practice It Yourself sections at the end of each chapter.

Goodbye, Hurt & Pain

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