Читать книгу Goodbye, Hurt & Pain - Deborah Sandella - Страница 22



One primal discomfort is fear. When we feel afraid, there is a disturbance in our body, mind, and spirit. The fear stimulated by chest pain and shortness of breath in panic attacks highlights the direct connection between our bodies and emotions that bypasses thinking. Feelings acting through our bodies can be quite convincing in making us feel we are dying.

Fear expresses in various ways depending on personality and beliefs about the world. An acutely fearful experience elicits a biochemical reaction that expresses as fight, flight, freeze, or faint. When your concern is about future safety, anxiety arises. Fear directed to past experiences results in shame, regret, and guilt.

What is your initial response to fear? Your secondary response? As you look back over your life, you will notice whether you have a tendency to flee, fight, freeze, or faint. None of these responses is better or worse; each is a natural pattern of responding given your genetic predisposition and life experiences. By identifying reflective habits, you can compassionately understand yourself and realize you have additional choices to feel comfortable.

Goodbye, Hurt & Pain

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