Читать книгу Goodbye, Hurt & Pain - Deborah Sandella - Страница 12



It's 1998, the phone rings, and it's my client Ellie, checking in to see if I've reopened my psychotherapy practice as planned. It's no surprise that she's calling because her work is unfinished; she's the only client I had referred to another therapist before I left on a family sabbatical to Australia. We talk, and as I hang up, I hear a voice say: “If you go back to doing what you used to do, you'll get sick.” I stop in my tracks and wonder: “Who said that?” It definitely wasn't my client, and it certainly wasn't my conscious mind. If this is my intuition speaking, it's a total surprise! Ah, I remember that's how true intuition works—it drops in without preceding thought or emotion.

This turning point in my career took me places I never expected. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I was setting out on an adventure, moving toward something new and exciting, something I didn't know and to which I was strongly drawn. It turns out I was on a quest to discover an inventive way of working with feelings. And discover it I did.

When I began exploring a new way of processing emotions, I set aside expectations of what I believed possible and impossible. Rather, I decided to let clients show their capacities without limits. I have been amazed at the results. In fact, the speed of remarkable change in the real-life stories shared in these pages can seem almost too rapid to be believed. I and others have witnessed it time and time again. Their stories lend credence to the immense inner resilience in all of us. This evidence convincingly shows that we have a reliable system capable of processing life's experiences of pain and doubt more quickly and effectively than we previously thought. Our natural curiosity and joy can be felt more easily than we have ever considered. We just need to understand the inner code.

For the past twenty years I have been using the techniques you'll find in this book and training facilitators around the world to use them as well. We have all been continually astonished at how well they work—and how quickly. RIM student Steve Torneten received this note from a local real estate agent who had volunteered for a practice session: “I'm not sure what you did, but I've had six properties go under contract since then—about $995K of commissions. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Similarly, another student Stephanie did a practice session with her fitness trainer. He was so grateful for his results, he gave her twelve free sessions.

The RIM in the RIM Method stands for Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®), and the real-life stories of client experiences in this book have been guided by myself or certified facilitators I have trained. Although every story is authentic, client identities are protected, and their narratives have been condensed to only the critical moments in their RIM experiences.

RIM introduces a new paradigm or novel view of how our emotional system works. Turning away from the idea that painful experiences and feelings fracture or permanently damage you, RIM works on the principle that you have an emotional operating system that organically knows how to deepen positive feelings and dissolve painful ones. Given this inherent internal resourcefulness, the process is client-generated and guided by inner sensation and imagination. The many stories you read in this book will grow your conscious and unconscious expectation of what's possible. As your belief expands, greater personal results become possible. You may decide to go on this adventure with a book club. Transformation is easier and more fun when shared.

Since RIM is nonlinear (not protocol or logic driven), your left brain may be frustrated because it's used to knowing what to expect. Although that's how the rational mind works, it's not the nature of the unconscious, which has a mind of its own.

To learn more about how RIM works, take a look at the Questions & Answers section at the back of the book. But there's more: your purchase of this book includes a gift of an audio meditation of a Practice It Yourself session, so you can bring the process alive in the comfort of your own home. Find this gift and others at www.GoodbyeHurtandPain.com.

Congratulations, you are on a personal quest to clear hidden, stuck emotion that has been stopping you from having what you want. By reading this book, you are freeing yourself to have your best life. In the coming pages, you'll learn seven exhilarating discoveries about your emotions; this self-understanding will change the way you see yourself and the power of your inner resources. The amazing real-life stories will expand your conscious thinking and unconscious beliefs to allow you to trust that saying goodbye to painful feelings and memories is easier than you've ever imagined. You'll learn to

 trust the organic expiration of frightening feelings

 quickly reduce overwhelming emotion to controllable form

 unstick uncomfortable feelings

 neutralize the magnetic charge of repetitive harmful behavior

 find the gift of beauty in ugly feelings

 uncover and express the sensation of wholeness through your mind and body

 reconstitute memory for greater safety and aliveness

 renew your emotional equilibrium whenever you need to

 master emotions in the blink of an eye

Some of you will use this book to generate empowering changes within yourself. Some will change your lives in ways you didn't think possible. If you wish to be such a reader, set aside your expectations of what's possible. Enter these lessons with an open mind and welcome what you read as personally attainable. If you find yourself doubting or confused, persevere by engaging in the Practice It Yourself sessions regularly and often.

Though I write with intention, your subjective reading has a life of its own—it's yours to experience. . . . Enjoy!

Goodbye, Hurt & Pain

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