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Having spent time working as a schoolteacher, teacher trainer, psychotherapist, success coach, and human potential trainer, I have witnessed the immense influence that feelings have on a person's performance and mood. From the first time Deborah Sandella (“Dr. Deb” as her students call her) introduced me to her RIM work (RIM stands for “Regenerating Images in Memory”), I saw its powerful potential to create immediate and dramatic physical and behavioral changes in people. And I have continued to witness this time after time, year after year, as she and her facilitators work with my students.

Having known and worked with Deb for over eleven years, first as my student and later as my friend and coauthor, I'm delighted to introduce her new book to you. Every once in a while, you read a book that has a profound personal impact on you. This book will do that. It is written from the heart in a down-to-earth way that will touch you intimately—and probably change your life.

Deb's passion and pioneering spirit have led to her discoveries of how to help people more easily uncover that place within us that knows the answers to every one of our deepest questions. Her commitment to continually expand her understanding of the natural self-healing mechanisms operating in us has resulted in this wonderful and profound book.

Goodbye, Hurt and Pain will introduce you to seven powerful discoveries of how to master your feelings, and when you consistently apply them, you can expect to live a dynamic life of ever-expanding success and happiness.

In fact, because this work produces such immediate and extraordinary emotional and physical results, it may at first appear unbelievable, but I have witnessed it in action in my own life and the lives of hundreds of my students and trainees and can testify to its profound impact.

I've come to respect Dr. Deb's quiet power as she courageously walks clients through the darkness of their most devastating and painful memories and into the light of new confidence, emotional freedom, and personal power. She consistently affirms and awakens in them their innate resourcefulness. In person you can see and feel it in her energetic presence and gaze. Now you have the opportunity to feel it through her writing.

As you read this book, I encourage you to dive headfirst into the Practice It Yourself activities. I promise you that the rewards will be well worth it. You will move beyond what you've previously thought possible. All you have to do is follow the step-by-step process that Dr. Deb leads you through, and you'll see your life growing more successful and fulfilling every day.

To Your Success,

Jack Canfield

CEO of the Canfield Training Group; cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® Series; coauthor of The Success Principles™; internationally renowned corporate trainer, keynote speaker, and popular radio and TV talk show guest

Goodbye, Hurt & Pain

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