Читать книгу Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups - Dolores Limón Domínguez - Страница 20



This competence is defined as the set of knowledge, abilities and tools that enable an individual to promote physical activity and healthy habits for themselves and among society. It also includes the knowledge of specific sports and physical activities that can be used as tools for increasing the wellbeing and inclusion of all people.

Table 6. Skills developed and associated with physical activity interventions competence.

Skills associated with the physical activity interventions competence
Use physical activities to foster and enhance learner collaboration Progressively adapt, teach and energize physical and recreational activities
Promote optimum physical and menta health through the promotion of healthy habits Get in permanent contact with the context and people, and learn by development
Apply knowledge about the social, legal and administrative scope that regulates de professional practice of sports, as well as the network of public and private services and related institutions Identify and defining problems and conflicts, detecting needs and complex cases, to propose, design, implement and evaluate diverse sport and physical activity solutions

Source: own creation.

These are the main competences that will be acquired by a person who studies the Expert Course in Social Inclusion through Sports.

Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups

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