Читать книгу Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups - Dolores Limón Domínguez - Страница 8



From the background described above, DISCIPLINS was born, a European project inspired by the fact that sports intervention must be impregnated with educational and pedagogical aspects that guide the improvement of competences and skills to create specific professionals and thus achieve social inclusion through sports practices.

The novelty of this project lies in proposing the hybrid character of this professional who has to have pedagogical-didactic training to design the interventions and make decisions for improvement, with a scientific-research training that allows him to have capacities to evaluate situations and give the most appropriate response respecting personal and professional skills linked to the practice developed in sports organizations.

The project, with a duration of 30 months whose start was on December 31, 2018 until June 30, 2021, had the following participating partners: University of Seville (US), which acted as coordinator of the project; INCOMA, the agency for consulting and international mobility; Loyola University (ULA) and the entity ASEPES (having its headquarters these four entities in Spain), the Italian Volleyball Federation (FIPAV) (based in Italy) and the Laurea University of Applied Sciences (located in Finland). These entities shared their theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and created this international project to train future professionals in charge of the training of inclusive sports workers and monitors.

Deporte e Inclusión Social. Herramientas para el trabajo con grupos humanos. Sport and Social Inclusion: Tools for working with human groups

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