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Researching the market


Research your potential customers, the competition and a price point by visiting competitors’ sites, online trade sites and forums, reading reports, and seeking intelligence from experts. Use survey tools such as SurveyMonkey (www.surveymonkey.com) and Wufoo (www.wufoo.com), and pose questions on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Look for information that will answer the following questions:

 What is the number of potential customers you can serve, and how do these customers like to be served?

 What are their characteristics, spending patterns and who are their key influencers?

 Who is currently serving your market?

 Where are your potential customers going for their goods and services?

 What do they like about what they’re getting and, more importantly, what do they dislike (as this opens up opportunities for you to improve on the status quo)?

In view of the above, is there a business here? Is there room in the market for your product or service and is the demand there?

If so, you then need to start thinking about what price you can charge.

“Make sure you understand the market you want to enter, research your competitors – why are they or aren’t they doing well?”

– Katey Korzenietz, Home Restyler

“Do your research at the start. Immerse yourself in the industry, find out what it is people want and consider if what you have to offer really fits in with the market.”

– Caroline Taylor, Patchwork Harmony

Price yourself at a rate that’s competitive with other providers in the market, that takes into account the amount of time, personal service and added value you offer, and that will turn a profit at the end of the day!

A HouseBeautiful Home Business

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