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What threats would I face?

 Who’s my competition?

 Does changing technology affect my idea?

TIP { What am I worth?

How much do you think customers or clients would pay for your product or service? To begin with, take a look at how similar offerings are priced and talk to your potential customers about how much they’d be willing to pay. Then talk to potential suppliers to check you can source materials and deliver at a price that covers your costs and still leaves a margin for that all-important profit.

Since starting a business from home will save you lots of money, you can pass some of these savings onto your customers, which could give you an edge over other businesses. However, make sure you don’t undercharge for the expertise, talent and knowledge you offer, as this is all part of the product people are buying.

Also consider charging less for work that will reflect well on your business and boost your reputation, perhaps in the media or with a credible customer.

A HouseBeautiful Home Business

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