Читать книгу The Laurel Health Cookery - Evora Bucknum Perkins - Страница 177

★ Tampa Bay Soup


 1 tablespn. oil

 1 tablespn. flour

 ½ tablespn. browned flour

 1 cup boiling water

 1 cup stewed tomato

 3 tablespns. raw nut butter

 1–1¼ qt. water

 ½ cup sliced okra

 ½ cup sliced onion

 ½ cup trumese in dice

 ¼ cup nutmese in dice

 chopped parsley

Cook tomato, raw nut butter, the 1¼ qt. of water, okra and onion all together, rub through colander and add to sauce made with oil, browned and white flour and the 1 cup of water. Add salt and more water if necessary, and when boiling, the trumese and nutmese, with chopped parsley. Throw egg balls into the soup just before serving, or serve separately in each dish. Or, pass a dish of boiled rice with the soup.

The Laurel Health Cookery

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