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|39|III. Hermeneutische Grundlagen der rabbinischen Auslegung

1. Grundlegende Literatur

Boyarin, Daniel, The Jewish Gospels. The Story of the Jewish Christ. New York 2012; ders., Borderlines. The Partition of Judaeo-Christianity. Philadelphia 2004 (deutsch: Abgrenzungen. Die Aufspaltung des Judäo – Christentums. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Gesine Palmer [ANTZ 10]. Berlin – Dortmund 2009); ders., Dying for God. Stanford 1999; ders., „Analogy vs. Anomaly in Midrashic Hermeneutic. Tractates Wayyassa and Amaleq in the Mekilta.“ JAOS 106 (1986), S. 659–666.

Fraade, Steven D., „Rabbinic Polysemy and Pluralism Revisited: Between Praxis and Thematization.“ AJS Review 31 (2007), S. 1–40 (= Legal Fictions Kap. 20); ders., „Literary Composition and Oral Performance in Early Midrashim.“ Oral Tradition 14/1 (1999), S. 33–51 (= Legal Fictions Kap. 17).

Goldberg, Arnold, „Die Schrift der rabbinischen Schriftausleger.“ FJB 15 (1987), S. 1–15 (= Gesammelte Studien II, S. 230–242).

Hirshman, Marc, The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture, 100 C.E.-350 C.E. Texts on Education and Their Late Antique Context. New York u.a. 22012; ders., A Rivalry of Genius. Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity (SUNY Series in Judaica: Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and Religion). New York 1996; ders., „The Greek Fathers and the Aggada on Ecclesiastes: Formats of Exegesis in Late Antiquity.“ HUCA 59 (1988), S. 137–165.

Jaffee, Martin S., What Difference Does the „Orality“ of Rabbinic Writing Make for the Interpretation of Rabbinic Writings? In: Kraus, Matthew (Hg.), How Should Rabbinic Literature be Read in the Modern World? (Judaism in Context). Piscataway 2006, S. 11–33; ders., Torah in the Mouth: Writing and Oral Tradition in Palestinian Judaism, 200 BCE-400 CE. New York – Oxford 2001.

Kamesar, Adam, The Church Fathers and Rabbinic Midrash. In: Encyclopedia of Midrash I, S. 20–40; ders., „The Church Fathers and Rabbinic Midrash: A Supplementary Bibliography, 1985–2005.“ RRJ 9 (2006), S. 190–196.

Lieberman, Saul, Greek in Jewish Palestine. New York 21965; ders., Hellenism in Jewish Palestine. New York 21962.

Porton, Gary, Methods of Early Rabbinic Biblical Exegesis. In: DiTommaso, Lorenzo/Turcescu, Lucian (Hgg.), The Reception and Interpretation of the Bible in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the Montréal Colloquium in Honour of Charles Kannengiesser, 11–13 October 2006 (Bible in Ancient Christianity 6), Leiden – Boston 2008, S. 441–466.

Rosen-Zvi, Ishay, Demonic Desires. „Yetzer Hara“ and the Problem of Evil in Late Antiquity. Philadelphia 2011.

|40|Schäfer, Peter, The Jewish Jesus. How Judaism and Christianity Shaped Each Other. Princeton 2012; ders., Warum verschwand das Messiasbaby? Die Geburt des Christentums aus dem Geist des Judentums. In: ders., Die Geburt des Judentums aus dem Geist des Christentums (Tria Corda: Jenaer Vorlesungen zu Judentum, Antike und Christentum 6). Tübingen 2010, S. 1–31.

Stein, Dina, Textual Mirrors. Reflexivity, Midrash, and the Rabbinic Self (Divinations, Rereading Late Ancient Religion). Philadelphia 2012.

Stemberger, Günter, Hermeneutik der jüdischen Bibel. In: Dohmen, Christoph/Stemberger, Günter, Hermeneutik der Jüdischen Bibel und des Alten Testaments (Studienbücher Theologie 1.2). Stuttgart – Berlin – Köln 1996, S. 23–123; ders., Grundzüge rabbinischer Hermeneutik. In: JM I, S. 103–129; ders., „Münchhausen und die Apokalyptik. Baba Batra 73a-75b als literarische Einheit.“ In: JM II, S. 299–316; ders., „Midrasch in Babylonien. Am Beispiel von Sota 9b-14a.“ Henoch 10 (1988), S. 183–203.

Stern, David, „Midrash and Indeterminacy.“ Critical Inquiry 15/1 (1988), S. 132–161.

Vermes, Geza, Bible and Midrash. Early Old Testament Exegesis. In: ders. (Hg.), Post-Biblical Jewish Studies. Leiden 1975, S. 59–91; ders., Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies. Leiden 1961.

Visotzky, Burton, Midrash, Christian Exegesis, and Hellenistic Hermeneutics. In: Bakhos, Carol (Hg.), Current Trends in the Study of Midrash (JSJ Supplements 106). Leiden – Boston 2006, S. 111–132; ders., Golden Bells and Pomegranates: Studies in Midrash Leviticus Rabbah (TSAJ 94). Tübingen 2003; ders., Fathers of the World: Essays in Rabbinic and Patristic Literature (WUNT 80). Tübingen 1995; ders., „Anti-Christian Polemic in Leviticus Rabbah.“ PAAJR 56 (1990), S. 83–100; ders., „Jots and Tittles: On Scriptural Interpretation in Rabbinic and Patristic Literatures.“ Prooftexts 8 (1988), S. 257–269.

Weiss Halivni, David, Revelation Restored. Divine Writ and Critical Responses. Boulder 1997; ders., Peshat and Derash. Plain and Applied Meaning in Rabbinic Exegesis. Oxford – New York 1991.


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