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Biglan A, Layton GL, Backen Jone L, Hankins M, Rusby JC (2013) The value of workshops on psychological flexibility for early childhood special education staff. Topics Early Child Spec Educ 32: 196–210.

Brinkborg H, Michanek J, Hesser H, Berglund G (2011) Acceptance and commitment therapy for the treatment of stress among social workers: a randomized controlled trial. Behav Res Ther 49: 389–398.

Flaxman P, Bond F, Livheim E (2015) Achtsam und erfolgreich im Beruf: Mit ACT die psychische Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz stärken. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag.

Frögéli E, Djordjevic A, Rudman A, Livheim F, Gustavsson P (2016) A randomized controlled pilot trial of acceptance and commitment training (ACT) for preventing stress-related ill health among future nurses. Anxiety Stress Coping 29: 202–218.

Habibian Z, Sadri Z, Nazmiyeh H (2018) Effects of Group Acceptance and commitment therapy -based training on job stress and burnout among pediatric oncology and special diseases nurses. Iranian J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 8: 118–125.

Hayes SC, Bissett R, Roget N, Padilla M, Kohlenberg BS, Fisher G, Masuda A, Pistorello J, Rye AK, Berry K, Niccolls R (2004) The impact of acceptance and commitment training and multicultural training on the stigmatizing attitudes and professional burnout of substance abuse counselors. Behav Ther 35: 821–835.

Luoma JB, Vilardaga JP (2013) Improving therapist psychological flexibility while training Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a pilot study. Cogn Behav Ther 42: 1–8.

ACT in Klinik und Tagesklinik

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