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3.5.1 The Textile Industry
ОглавлениеIn India, the textile industry ranks in second place for providing employment, with 45 million people, and according to estimates, it will increase to 55 million by 2020 (Invest India 2019a); 2.3% contribution was made by the textiles industry and 13% to industrial production of gross domestic product (GDP) contribution. During the manufacturing process, a huge quantity of water is utilized, while, at the same time, water effluent is generated that consists of dyes, heavy metals, organic and inorganic wastes, detergents, and surfactants. According to Manikandan et al. (2015), the quality of water released from textile units are turbid, loaded with high organic and inorganic constituents, and possess a low BOD/COD ratio, which means that a large proportion of the water is nonbiodegradable and is not fit for any application if discharged directly. According to the study carried out by Kumar et al. (2020), it was concluded that for an average production capacity of 8000 kg of fabric/day, the amount of freshwater utilized is around 1.6 million liters/day, which generates 200–350 m3 of wastewater/ton of finished products, thus introducing 100 kg COD/ton of fabric to the water body.