Читать книгу Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 2019 - Группа авторов - Страница 6

Dear reader,


this 2019 edition is already the 23rd Yearbook of Arboriculture. It contains a total of 31 publications on the subject of tree protection, in particular on „trees on dikes and dams“, vitality assessment and tree care as well as tree management. The scientific short notes (chapter 4) present current research results on various topics.

The address directories (chapters 5 and 6) have been updated again and provide assistance in the search for associations, research institutions and service providers in the field of tree care. The index of authors and keywords of all previous yearbooks now refers to more than 700 scientific articles in this book series. This index is also available electronically, for example on the conference home page at www.deutsche-baumpflegetage.de. Being the editor of this series, I would like to thank all authors for their high quality contributions and the editorial board for the accurate processing of the manuscripts. In this way it has once again been possible to produce an up-to-date and reliable reference work. I would like to thank Martina Borowski for her editorial support. I would once again like to thank Haymarket Media for the excellent layout of the yearbook and the good cooperation that has now lasted for many years.

Hamburg, March 2019 DIRK DUJESIEFKEN

Für Ihren Terminkalender:

Die nächsten Deutschen Baumpflegetage finden statt vom 21.-23. April 2020.

Kontaktanschrift: Forum Baumpflege GmbH & Co. KG, Geschäftsstelle: Brookkehre 60, 21029 Hamburg Tel.: +49(0)40 55 26 07 07, Fax: +49(0)40 55 26 07 28, www.Deutsche-Baumpflegetage.de

Redaktionsschluss für das Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 2020 ist der 1. Dezember 2019.

Jahrbuch der Baumpflege 2019

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