Читать книгу CONFESSIONS OF A CORPORATE SHAMAN - Harrison Snow - Страница 14

Wherever You Go, There You Are


The first time I facilitated a constellation was at a training seminar in Holland. About a hundred people in the organizational development field came from around the world to a charming village outside Amsterdam. In my learning group we set up current business challenges using the constellation process. I had recently started working with a client on a change initiative. I was wondering if my assessment of the dynamics within the client system was on track. Even though the project was in the beginning stages, I felt I should have more engagement or traction. Was patience the answer or was there something else? Representatives for the leader and her three direct reports were selected and placed as indicated in Figure 1-1.

I stood outside the system and just observed. With her hands on her hips, the first manager communicated she was in charge. Was there any resentment about her style? Two of the other managers seemed to be aligned with her and accepting of her dominance. As the representatives noted their feelings and impulses toward each other, something seemed familiar to me, but unnamable. What could that be? I asked myself. Without dwelling on the question I decided to enter the system and notice what might change. The representative for the leader took a hard look at me and declared authoritatively, “We don’t want you here.”

Figure 1-1

Her tone took me back a step. Again, the message felt physically and emotionally familiar. Not only had I set up my client system, I had set up my own family system. The first manager was my older sister. The second manager, who was in a power struggle with the leader, was me. The third and fourth managers were my younger siblings who sided with my older sister. It was no accident I was working with this system. But was the client system actually as dysfunctional and triangulated as my family or was it just my projection? Before I could interact objectively with my actual clients, I realized, I had some family history to deal with. A door swung open that I did not know existed. The good news was that as I changed the inner fundamentals of my family relationships, the depth of my consulting work also would change.


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