Читать книгу CONFESSIONS OF A CORPORATE SHAMAN - Harrison Snow - Страница 20

Maintaining Your Objectivity


Many consultants believe their effectiveness depends on being careful not to merge with the client system. An outsider sees things an insider might miss or be reluctant to point out. A healthy separation allows you, the observer, to observe in an objective manner. The client’s issues and dysfunctions may seem unrelated, but if you look deeply enough into your own psyche or family history you may find places of resonance and relatedness. Blindly projecting your own issues and insecurities onto your client’s is more likely to occur when your subjectivity is not managed properly. Noticing when tendencies are triggered, but not being swayed by them, is the skillful use of self.

Putting space between you and your reactive parts that judge or withdraw enables you to use them as data. Viewing these data as part of your organizational assessment depersonalizes the situation and defuses the potential for a damaging conflict. If we don’t resist, collapse, or counterattack then we can inquire and use what we learn in a professional manner.


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