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Emotional Hijacking and the Self


All of us have had one of these moments. A certain person says something or acts in a particular way and it triggers a strong reaction in you. When one of your “hot buttons” gets pushed you have less access to your emotional and intellectual resources. You’ve “lost your wisdom” as people say in the Middle East. Physiologically, the frontal cortex has shut down and the amygdala—the abode of fight, flight, or freeze in the limbic system—takes over. When we’re in physical danger, the hijacking by the amygdala might be appropriate and even life-saving. But in most social or business situations, losing one’s composure means doing or saying things that cause regret. To respond optimally you need to access all your inner resources. A popular saying in the therapeutic professions is that a person is never upset for the reason she thinks she is. For the use of self to work, it is essential that you know your emotional hot buttons and how to manage them. Letting a hot button dictate your reaction when you are facilitating or leading others can’t help but lead to a regrettable outcome. If you can calm yourself during a stressful situation then you can calm and reassure others. The part within that needs calming is often wounded or insecure. The more intense its reaction to a situation, the bigger the trauma that is behind the reaction. Knowing the situations or behaviors that trigger those parts of yourself will help you deal with them.

Byron Katie is a facilitator who focuses on personal change by helping people question their habitual thoughts and beliefs. Her method, referred to simply as “The Work,” offers a way to stay centered while dealing with adversity.2 Strong emotions often spring from hasty judgments about another person’s behavior. Those judgments are based on assumptions about what the offending behavior means that are rooted in a past experience. If you decide that the story you tell yourself about those assumptions is not true and you drop it, what changes for you? What shifts when you stop arguing with reality and “agree to what is”?


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