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Awareness and Cocreated Reality


Most people are familiar with the metaphor of an iceberg and its application to how we interact with the world. What is below the waterline, our threshold of awareness, is much greater than what is above. The model in Figure 4-1 divides our consciousness into three levels.

The first level, cocreated reality, is something we are naturally conscious of. In the second level we are aware of some, but not fully all, of the actions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations that give rise to that reality. Within our subconscious, at the third level, there is a vast realm of impressions and beliefs we are only vaguely aware of, if at all. As a multilevel, non-lateral problem-solving tool, the constellation process accesses these three levels. This process is based on the following assumptions:

Figure 4-1: The Iceberg Model of Awareness

Our reality is cocreated.

Our inner experience determines to a great extent our outer experience.

The second and third levels of consciousness determine how we shape and respond to an experience cocreated on the first level.

A significant part of our inner experience—some of the second level and most of the third—are below the threshold of awareness.

Bringing those hidden, excluded, denied, or forgotten parts to awareness fosters more self-awareness and consequently more opportunity to shape our outer experience through conscious choices.

Seeking feedback, counseling, or coaching and practicing personal reflection and self-observation foster more awareness of the second level of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

The impact of past traumas can be transferred between generations through epigenetics and affect the other two levels.

Conducting a family or professional constellation will bring more awareness of material hidden in the third level, mitigating the impact it has on the other levels.


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