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Kissing Your Frog


The first movement in transforming our personal reality is taking responsibility for the impact our other levels of consciousness have in shaping it. The flow of this process is diagrammed in the structure of a typical constellation as shown in Figure 4-2. If we agree that our personal reality is impacted, if not determined, by our second and third levels of consciousness then we are ready to do something about that reality. Letting go of assigning blame and stepping out of the victim-perpetrator dynamic enables us to work with the part of the system we have influence or control over: ourselves. Kissing your frog, defined here as the “Transformation Through Systemic Mapping Model,” starts at the top left side at Level 1 of Consciousness. It moves down to Level 3 then across to Visible Resources on the right and then up to the Desired Reality. The Current Reality, or “what is” corresponds to the first and second levels of consciousness of the issue holder. The constellation can reveal material in the third level of consciousness that the issue holder was not unaware of.

Keeping in mind the desired outcome articulated by the issue holder, the facilitator looks for and tests the Hidden Dynamics at Level 3, within the subconscious, that are influencing the other two levels. Identifying and bringing those dynamics or traumas to conscious awareness help transform a hidden obstacle into a visible resource. The light of awareness generates insights that free up misdirected energy. As the flow moves upward from resources, participants may notice an energetic shift that indicates something changed at the subconscious level. This change supports the desired outcome, which feels more realistic and attainable. No one should claim that a constellation automatically provides a person with his or her desired reality. Skillfully facilitated, however, the constellation should offer a map of the desired outcome linked to actions, resources, and insights that correspond to the second and third levels of consciousness.

Figure 4-2: Transformation Through Systemic Mapping


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