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Taking a “Field” Trip


According to Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, a field is “a region of influence . . . a medium that connects two or more points in space.”3 Objects in a field are influenced by it and by each other through a connection or force that is not visible to the eye. McTaggart quotes a number of scientists who believe that the zero point field, the field of all fields, is a vast storehouse of memory. The biologist Rupert Sheldrake postulated that fields have a morphic resonance that influences how those living within them look and act.

He asserts that all living beings are shaped by “a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory.”4 The nature of the world and the beings in it is determined by this field of fields. According to Einstein, “The field is the ultimate reality.”

So how do we connect with this ultimate reality of infinite potential? McTaggart reports the findings of researchers that “the unconscious mind somehow had the capacity of communicating with the sub-tangible physical world.”5 The unconscious and the zero point field exist together “in a probabilistic state of all possibilities.”6 The details of how this works are a mystery. We only know that it is possible to access this field through the nonverbal subconscious and that we temporarily experience the reality of other individuals or groups.

Every living system has its own collective consciousness. The connection between each individual consciousness in a living system constitutes a field. Most of what is in the field exists below the threshold of human awareness. You might not be aware of all the forces that shape your behaviors and attitudes, but they affect you in more ways than it’s possible to comprehend. The social psychologist Karl Weick made an intriguing point that the word “organization” is “a myth. If you look for an organization you won’t find one. What you will find is . . . connected incidents that seep through concrete walls . . .”7 Connected incidents, especially ones that can seep through a wall unconstrained by time or space, is the classic definition of a field.

Einstein referred to this unified field when he said, “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.” Our mind, body, and spirit, along with everything else in the manifest world, are all expressions of one infinitely pulsating consciousness. When we tap into the zero point field, according to McTaggart, we tap into all possibilities.8

Everything comes out and goes back to the nothingness of the zero point. This is not news. Ancient texts like the Upanishads have long professed the interconnectedness of all life. Recent research published by NASA physicists postulates that the universe is about 27 percent dark matter and 68 percent dark energy. The remaining 5 percent is the world of physical matter that we can actually see (1.5 percent) or measure in some way (3.5 percent).9 NASA is basically telling us that comprehending the universe goes beyond the capacities of the human mind. In other words, life is a lot weirder than we can even imagine. If the 170 billion observable galaxies are just a small fraction of our universe, where is the rest of it?

These figures are in line with the mystical perspective of the kabbalah. It states that we only experience 1 percent of reality on the Earth dimension. The rest of reality, the 99 percent we don’t perceive, is in what is called the “Upper World.” Native Americans from the Sioux Nation use the expression “Wakan Tanka,” the Great Mystery, to refer to the vastness of creation that is more than mankind can hope to understand. Despite the immensity of all the unknown, according to the astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson, mankind does have a place. One possibility is that “We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself.”10 Our awareness and the awareness binding together the mysteries of the universe are of the same fabric.


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