Читать книгу CONFESSIONS OF A CORPORATE SHAMAN - Harrison Snow - Страница 38

Everyday Mind


Though the vastness of the zero point field is heady stuff, from day to day your conscious mind fills your head with a stream of mundane thoughts. Those thoughts are often observations, judgments, fears, and desires related to the future or the past. According to David Rock, a neuroscience expert, our everyday mind is so noisy it is difficult to hear ourselves think. When the ego is identified with the everyday mind, that constant stream of verbal thought gives it a sense of security. Quieting the mind is difficult because the ego wants to hold on to what it knows. I’ve noticed in my consulting work that the smarter and more educated a group is, the more susceptible they are to the trap of analysis paralysis. In that trap are verbal knots of convoluted logic and assertions that sound erudite but actually mean that nothing will be decided or acted on. One way out is to have the group engage for a few minutes in some physical or nonverbal activity. A quiet mind increases the capacity for holistic self-observation; noticing what is happening physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And self-observation by an individual or a group, according to Ray Bradbury, leads to change-inducing insights. Paradoxically, this kind of self-observation is possible when people are not overwhelmed by their own self-conscious and self-absorbed mental activity.


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