Читать книгу CONFESSIONS OF A CORPORATE SHAMAN - Harrison Snow - Страница 36

Being Your Own Scientist


The knowing field is not located in the individual mind. Yet, the individual mind can be used to explore the field. One way to start this exploration is to use systems thinking to map out the component parts of the problem or question posed by the issue holder. This is where you make good use of your mental powers; a systems analysis starts with forming a picture of the issue. The details are teased out by asking: What are the parts of the system? How do they relate to each other? What needs to happen to restore harmony or order?

The next step is to send your verbal mind on a break and let your body, emotions, and spirit or intuition take the stage. According to the Wall Street Journal, brain researchers peg the number of calculations that the conscious brain can work on at the same time at one. In comparison, the simultaneous activities in unconscious parts of the brain number in the billions.2 The conscious mind tries to make sense of things through comparisons, judgments, and categories: this is good, that is bad, and so forth. Staying in the brain’s mental mode, one calculation at a time, can limit access to a much larger field of intelligence and knowing that is contacted through the subconscious. I often tell groups, especially those new to the systemic approach, that what we are doing is not conceptual. The analytical process has its place and time, just not everywhere 24/7.

The rational mind is eager to know and will quickly make up stories and explanations to fill a void. It tends to not slow down enough to decipher the memo from the unconscious that has the answers it seeks. Accessing the tacit knowledge that resides in our subconscious is possible if we tolerate the discomfort of emptiness and uncertainty our conscious mind runs from.


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