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Worksheet 1: Discovering Your Target Audience


Chapter 2 examined the importance of defining your target audience before starting an online marketing campaign. Think about the following demographics, and check off the ones that apply to your product or service. In some cases, the answer may be “all of the above.” However, remember that general marketing is expensive. The more specific you can be about whom you are trying to reach, the cheaper and more cost-effective your online marketing campaign will be.


[ ] Male

[ ] Female

Age Group

[ ] Under 18

[ ] 18–24

[ ] 25–29

[ ] 30–34

[ ] 35–39

[ ] 40–49

[ ] 50–60

[ ] Over 60

Annual Household Income Level

[ ] Less than $25,000

[ ] $25,000–$34,999

[ ] $35,000–$49,999

[ ] $50,000–$69,999

[ ] $70,000–$99,999

[ ] $100,000–$200,000

[ ] More than $200,000

Education Level

[ ] High school

[ ] Bachelor’s Degree

[ ] Graduate Degree

Marital Status

[ ] Married

[ ] Single

[ ] Divorced


[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Possible Occupations: __________________________________

(professional, administrative, labor)

Geographic Location: __________________________________

(specific cities, states, regions, or countries)

Ethnicity: _____________________________________________

(Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, etc.)

What type of Internet user is your target customer?

[ ] Novice

[ ] Intermediate

[ ] Advanced

Where will your target customers use a computer?

[ ] Home

[ ] Office

[ ] Other

What types of hobbies do they have? (E.g., fishing, camping, traveling)



Other important characteristics your ideal customer would have:



Now, list at least ten websites below that you think the above customer would visit. These are the types of websites you should want to buy ads on, form partnerships with, or emulate in content and design.

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________

10. __________________________________________________

* * *

Low-Budget Online Marketing

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