Читать книгу The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 13

1 Juice Yourself Super Slim!


For years I have been aware of the super weight-loss power of freshly extracted juice and good-quality smoothies. However, until I wrote the 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet, I didn’t realize just how effective they could be in every case of overweight and obesity.

The results people were getting were nothing short of remarkable. People weren’t simply losing the 7lbs promised, but more like 8lbs, 10lbs and even 14lbs in just 7 days. What’s more, they were keeping it off weeks, months and even a year later. Muscle mass increased, body fat levels decreased and many experienced ‘flat stomach enlightenment’ in an extremely short amount of time.

7lbs in 7 Days was the first juice-related book ever to hit number one on Amazon and Play.com. At the time it even knocked The Da Vinci Code off the top spot. The book has now been translated into many languages and the programme has been used by hundreds of thousands of people including (according to Now magazine) Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Drew Barrymore and Katie Price (a.k.a. Jordan).

The programme was, and still is, cast-iron proof that an exclusive diet of freshly extracted juice and smoothies produces significant healthy weight loss. It was a breakthrough by any standards and continues to ‘juice’ people both mentally and physically in many parts of the world as we speak.

Juice Yourself Slim is, I believe, just as pioneering. This book hasn’t been thrown together; a great deal of time, effort, thought and groundbreaking nutritional research has gone into it. It is a programme designed for life. A programme that is so simple, so easy and yet so beautifully effective that anyone can do it without the need for ‘dieting’ – as you will see. In fact, the programme so easily becomes such a normal part of your daily life that its fat-melting effectiveness is sometimes hard to justify. When you aren’t struggling and going round the bend – as is the case on virtually every diet after a period of time – it almost feels like magic or that you have somehow cheated the ‘diet’ system when you start to look defined and sexy with little or no effort!

This programme is so simple, so easy and yet so beautifully effective that anyone can do it without the need for ‘dieting.’

When I devised the programme I knew the results would be good, but given the simplicity and flexibility of Juice Yourself Slim, I didn’t realize they would be this good. I know you should under-sell and over-deliver, but I am so juiced by this programme I can’t lie – the results are mind-blowing. I am genuinely excited for you! I know what you have to look forward to. I know, for example, that you will drop over 7lbs in just the first week, and I know you will have more energy, more spark and feel more juiced about life than you perhaps have in a long time. I know this book will reignite that fire within and I know you will be slimmer and healthier as a result. I also know this will be one of the easiest changes of lifestyle you will ever have encountered.

This book deals as much with the mental side of change as the physical, and it’s why I am particularly proud to bring this information to you. All you need is an open mind and the conviction to read every page of this book in the order it was written. Do that and you will be juicing yourself slim before you know it. However, before we reach that stage we have a lot to get through. First, as you will lose a nice chunk of weight during the first 7 days in particular, I will address an argument which I know will rear its ugly head. An argument usually spouted by a few dieticians and medics who haven’t fully grasped the big fat problem.

The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting

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