Читать книгу The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 22

Super Slimming Success


He’s far from the only person to have what I describe as ‘super slimming success’ using the power of juice and a positive frame of mind. I have had letters from people who have lost over 20st (280lbs), and it’s extremely common to receive emails from people who drop three to five stone. The difference that kind of weight loss makes to every aspect of a person’s life is almost incalculable.

If you want a small glimpse of what it would feel like, get a rucksack, add 42lbs of weight (21 bags of sugar) and walk around for a day. At the end of the day remove the rucksack and feel the difference. Can you imagine the effect on someone’s life of losing three, five or twenty stone? It’s often the difference between simply surviving and truly living. It’s the difference between being able to get up and play with the kids and a ‘can’t be bothered’ mentality. It’s the difference between feeling bloody good about yourself and feeling like crap.

I realize that for many people slimming is the numero uno reason for reading this book and doing the programme. But in the same way as understanding the difference significant weight loss makes to someone’s life, it’s also easy to see how every area of someone’s life would be different when they are no longer plagued by migraines, severe asthma, a skin disorder, arthritis, diabetes … and so I could go on. Let’s not underestimate the impact this programme will have on all areas of your health, areas which perhaps haven’t even manifested themselves yet. Prevention is MUCH easier than cure, and every time you pour some of this ‘pure’ liquid fuel into your system, you are not only one step closer to the land of the slim, but you are also supplying yourself with perhaps the finest health insurance you will ever invest in.

The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting

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