Читать книгу The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 9

The Easy Way to the Land of the Slim


I now realize that, with food and diet, a mental boost to reignite the fire within at least once every year is essential for lifelong success. That is why I have written this book. One book or seminar is rarely enough, especially when it comes to permanent weight loss and supreme health. The amount of advertising, brainwashing, conditioning and peer pressure attached to the wrong kinds of foods and drinks cannot be ignored. It’s this gradual dripping tap that eventually starts to dampen the fire, and before you know it you are heading down the road to fat land once again. Also, unlike with smoking or alcohol, we have associations with ‘junkie’ foods and drinks that go back to when we were just a year or two old. This means we have millions of associations with certain ‘foods’. Tidy the room and we can have an ice cream. We hurt ourselves and are comforted with a cake, and so on. Even after months or years of change, these associations can easily return.

My aim for this book is twofold:

To ignite or reignite the juicy fire within and put you in that glorious, inspired ‘non-diet’ frame of mind.

To provide a new and extremely easy juice and lifestyle programme that is perfectly healthy and extraordinarily effective.

Juice Yourself Slim is the result of years of nutritional, psychological, diet and addiction research. It may appear simplistic, but that’s part of its beauty. All the hard work has been done for you. The only thing you are required to do for slimming and health success is to read the whole book and follow the simple instructions. I have already set out the first instruction and, other than putting the programme into practice, it’s the most important one. The instruction may sound obvious, but you will be amazed at how many people feel they will have as much success without carrying it out. That instruction is to actually read the book, in its entirety and in the order it was written.

The ONLY thing you need to do for slimming and health success is to read the whole of this book and follow the simple instructions.

The number of people who buy books of this nature but never read them – let alone act on them – is quite frightening. Every book I have ever written has this fundamental instruction at the start. I cannot emphasize enough just how important it is to read every word and not to flick through the book or jump directly to the programme, however tempting it is.

Often you will see that I repeat certain points. Many may not like the way I write or the ‘basic English’ I use to get my message across. This book is designed so that anyone can read it and anyone can get the results. I am not here to win any literary awards and I never, ever think of myself as an author. I write books, but I am not an author in the true sense of the word. This isn’t about winning the Booker Prize; it’s about results. And if we are all honest, even if you don’t like the way I write but you get a flat stomach at the end of it – who cares!

The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting

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