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3.4. Las normas jurídicas que la formación arbitral considere apropiadas


Como última alternativa en el arbitraje de apelación, se pueden aplicar al fondo de la controversia “las normas jurídicas que la Formación considere apropiadas”. La práctica del TAS muestra que las formaciones arbitrales han utilizado frecuentemente este margen de discrecionalidad otorgado por el Artículo R58 del Código del TAS para aplicar otras leyes nacionales, principios generales de derecho o la llamada “lex sportiva” (que se comentará en detalle más adelante).

Sin embargo, dicho margen de discrecionalidad en la aplicación de normas “consideradas apropiadas” está limitado por el mismo Artículo R58 del Código del TAS, que exige que la formación arbitral justifique expresamente su selección191.

Por ejemplo, en un caso la formación aplicó la ley paraguaya, razonando así:

“The Panel remarks that the ‘applicable regulations’ are all FIFA rules material to the dispute at stake [...]. As to any applicable State law, pursuant to Article R58 of the Code, the Panel finds that it would be inappropriate to apply substantive Swiss law to the various contracts signed between the Player [...] and the Appellant [...], as they have no connection whatsoever with Switzerland. The Panel remarks that [those] Contracts were drafted and signed in Paraguay between a Paraguayan citizen and a Paraguayan football club, set out the rules for activities mainly taking place in Paraguay and include several explicit references to Paraguayan law [...]. Accordingly, the Panel finds that [those] Contracts are solely connected with Paraguayan law. Taking also into account that in their written submissions, as well as during the hearing, all parties have repeatedly made reference to Paraguayan civil and labour law, the Panel deems appropriate that [those] Contracts be governed by Paraguayan law and not by Swiss law. Further, the Panel finds that, in accordance with Article R58 of the Code, any other aspect of the present dispute which is not covered by the FIFA regulations must be governed by Swiss law [...]. In this respect, the Panel points out that it is certainly appropriate to apply Swiss law to the contract of 21 January 2005 between the Player and St.Gallen, as the Player must perform its activities in Switzerland for a Swiss employer under the rules of the Swiss football federation”192.

Entre los principios generales de derecho que las formaciones arbitrales han aplicado para resolver las controversias sometidas al TAS, se pueden mencionar entre otros los principios de legalidad, de igualdad, de proporcionalidad y de buena fe, así como los principios derivados de los brocardos o máximas siguientes: lex specialis derogat generali, in claris non fit interpretatio, interpretatio contra stipulatorem, cuius commoda eius et incommoda, iudex peritus peritorum, nemo venire contra factum proprium y nulla poena sine lege praevia.

El arbitraje en el TAS

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