Читать книгу Opening playing variants against various defense systems - Jörg Madinger - Страница 9

A2.2 Implementation: Playing the Russian Screen 2-on-2


Basic course:

- and play defense together and try to defend against and .

- should not interfere but wait until it is his turn during the subsequent action on the other side.

(Figure 1)

Course (figure 1):

- starts the piston movement on the wing position and passes the ball into the running path of (A).

- initially stands close to .

- actively steps forward towards the piston movement path of (B).

- makes an extensive body feint to the left, in front of (C).

- leaves the screening next to , moves forward, and places a screening next to , on the inner side (D).

- takes on the screening of , next to , and dynamically moves to the inner side (E).

(Figure 2)

- If remains defensive, makes a jump shot at the goal (F) (= option 1).

- If actively makes a step forward, towards , leaves the screening next to , moves backward, receives a pass from (G), and eventually shoots at the goal (H) (= option 2).

Repeat on the left and right side alternately; the defense players should change sides.

should initially place a screen next to vigorously, before placing the screening next to (D).

Opening playing variants against various defense systems

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