Читать книгу The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements - Julia Ross - Страница 15
Your Brain’s True and False Emotional Chemistry
ОглавлениеIf you’re high in serotonin—you’re positive, confident, flexible, and easygoing.
If you’re sinking in serotonin—you’ll tend to become negative, obsessive, worried, irritable, and sleepless.
If you’re high in catecholamines—you’re energized, upbeat, and alert.
If your catecholamines have crashed—you can sink into a flat, lethargic funk.
If you’re high in GABA—you’re relaxed and stress-free.
If there’s a gap in your GABA—you’ll be wired, stressed, and overwhelmed.
If you’re high in endorphins—you’re full of cozy feelings of comfort, pleasure, and even euphoria at times.
If you’re near the end of your endorphins—you may be crying during commercials and overly sensitive to hurt.
Once any of the false moods evolve, their standard symptoms may come and go, become more or less intense, or remain constant. Whatever the case, the appropriate amino acid fuels, taken as supplements, can reliably, safely, and quickly dispel every vestige of all four false mood types by raising the levels of all four vital neurotransmitters.
Fortunately, every amino acid you’ll need can be easily found at your neighborhood health food store or drugstore or by phone or on-line.