Читать книгу The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements - Julia Ross - Страница 21

Part I. Are You Under a Dark Cloud?


3 Do you have a tendency to be negative, to see the glass as half-empty rather than half-full? Do you have dark, pessimistic thoughts?

3 Are you often worried and anxious?

3 Do you have feelings of low self-esteem and lack confidence? Do you easily get to feeling self-critical and guilty?

3 Do you have obsessive, repetitive, angry, or useless thoughts that you just can’t turn off—for instance, when you’re trying to get to sleep?

3 Does your behavior often get a bit, or a lot, obsessive? Is it hard for you to make transitions, to be flexible? Are you a perfectionist, or a control freak? A computer, TV, or work addict?

3 Do you really dislike the dark weather or have a clear-cut fall/winter depression (SAD)?

2 Are you apt to be irritable, impatient, edgy, or angry?

3 Do you tend to be shy or fearful? Do you get nervous or panicky about heights, flying, enclosed spaces, public performance, spiders, snakes, bridges, crowds, leaving the house, or anything else?

2 Have you had anxiety attacks or panic attacks (your heart races, it’s hard to breathe)?

2 Do you get PMS or menopausal moodiness (tears, anger, depression)?

3 Do you hate hot weather?

2 Are you a night owl, or do you often find it hard to get to sleep even through you want to?

2 Do you wake up in the night, have restless or light sleep, or wake up too early in the morning?

3 Do you routinely like to have sweet or starchy snacks, wine, or marijuana in the afternoons, evenings, or in the middle of the night (but not earlier in the day)?

2 Do you find relief from any of the above symptoms through exercise?

3 Have you had fibromyalgia (unexplained muscle pain) or TMJ (pain, tension, and grinding associated with your jaw)?

2 Have you had suicidal thoughts or plans?

Total __________ If your score is more than 12 in part 1, turn to chapter 3, page 25.

The Mood Cure: Take Charge of Your Emotions in 24 Hours Using Food and Supplements

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