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Good morning! Praying you had a blessed Thanksgiving with your family and friends yesterday and that you took time to reflect on all of the blessings God has given you. Through the pages in the Bible, we can find one reason after another why we should be thankful and praise God for what He’s done for us. Today, I camped out in Psalm 111. In these ten verses, the psalmist is encouraging us to praise the Lord and he gives us three good reasons why we should.

The first one is that we should be thankful for all the ways God shows us His power. We can look at nature and see it everywhere. If you’ve ever been to the ocean, it’s easy to see that there could be no other explanation other than it had to be God’s great power at work to command the water to stop when it reached the land.

The second reason we should praise God is because He’s always taking care of our needs. Even when life throws us for a loop, we can look past that problem and see that God is still providing for us everything that we need, like food, clothing, and a place to lay our head at night.

But the most important reason that we should praise God, is for His gift of salvation. Have you ever given much thought to the fact that if we didn’t have Jesus, we wouldn’t be able to have a relationship with God? Since nothing unholy (aka...us) could be in the presence of the holy God, we’d be out of luck. Without the Lord, we would have no hope. But thankfully, we do have hope through Jesus. My prayer for us is that we would never look past all the blessings God has given us, and that each and every minute, of each and every day, we would continuously praise Him!

Lord, help us to see the countless ways that You bless us daily. May we always have Your praises on our lips. Amen.

Letting Go

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