Читать книгу Letting Go - Linda Estes - Страница 22



Good morning! As I was reading in 1 John 4, I came across the title of verses 11-21 … The Glories of Love. Many accurately call the Christmas season, the season of love because Love came down to earth through the birth of Jesus Christ on that first Christmas morning. 1 John 4:15-16 tells us that, “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”

Have you noticed how freely love flows this time of year? It flows to those we love and to total strangers. It flows to those who are experiencing tragedies and for those who are fighting illnesses. People also give more generously to charities this time of the year. I think we can answer the question of why love flows so freely around the holiday season quite simply … people are focusing on God, regardless if they believe in Him or not. Have you ever noticed how people who say that they don’t believe in God still celebrate Christmas? Since God is love, as they celebrate LOVE, they are also celebrating God, whether they understand that or not.

Since I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t believe in love, there’s no better time than this season to help an unbeliever understand that God is love and He wants more than anything to share His love with them. So, during this Christmas season, pass on the gift that keeps on giving, for all eternity … God’s amazing love!

Lord, You are the reason why we can love. We look to You for the perfect example of love. Help us learn to pass on Your love to others every day of the year, not just during the Christmas season. You are the best gift we can share with anyone and that should be our goal. Holy Spirit, guide me to those who don’t know yet about the Lord’s amazing love. Amen.

Letting Go

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