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Good morning! I’ve received gift cards to some of my favorite restaurants as Christmas gifts. And I have to admit, that excites me to no end!!!! I love eating out. Well, the truth is that I just love food in general. I had to ask myself after I used one of the gift cards this week whether it was ok to be this jazzed about food. But then I thought about all the references to food that we find in the Bible. There’s the Lord’s Supper, the feast with the story of the prodigal son, along with too many other feasts to count. I Googled to see how many verses mentioned food in the Bible and it said at least 112 times.

As I was reading some of those verses, I landed on one that seemed new to me. Matthew 22:2 says, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king, who gave a wedding feast for his son.” Wow, now that’s a picture that I enjoyed putting in my head. One day, that mental picture will be a reality for all Believers. Can you imagine what that will be like???

But not everyone we currently know will be able to enjoy that feast. Only those that have accepted the gift of salvation will enter Heaven. The best Christmas gift that you could EVER give someone is Jesus. Helping someone understand that as sinners, which we all are, we are at odds with God. The only way we can be in His presence is to be holy. And since we can’t fix that sin problem alone, God gave us a way through the shed blood of the perfect lamb, Jesus, to atone for our sins. Once you’ve accepted this in your heart and told God that you want this gift, you then become a child of God. As you enjoy your Christmas dinners, let the food remind you of what is waiting for every child of God. And then do what you can to share this Good News of Jesus so that everyone you know can enjoy the feast of all feasts waiting for Believers in Heaven.

Lord, how we await that feast with You in heaven. Nothing on earth can compare with what that glorious day will be like. Help us to tell others about this feast and what it takes to get an invitation. Amen.

Letting Go

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