Читать книгу Letting Go - Linda Estes - Страница 31



Good morning! During this time of year, little ones have made their list of things they want to receive from Santa. They wait with great anticipation for Christmas to arrive, so they can see if their wishes came true by the packages they open under the Christmas tree. There will be squeals of joy when they open that gift that they’d asked for. All will be well in their little world. Too bad we can’t bottle that joy and spread it throughout the entire year.

I thought about this as I was reading in 1 John 4:13. “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life.” The most precious gift we could ever give our children is the gift of Jesus Christ. If we could help our kids understand who Jesus is and what He has done for us, Christmas would be much different for them. The gift of Jesus is eternal, unlike the Christmas gifts they receive from Santa. Wouldn’t it be great if we spent as much time talking to our kids about the true reason for celebrating Christmas, which is Jesus, than we do making gift lists and having their pictures taken with Santa?

Leading our kids to the Lord would provide a gift for all eternity. They wouldn’t need that bottle of joy I referred to earlier because they would carry with them a joy that surpasses all, knowing that they had been accepted by the Giver of joy Himself and that they’d belong to Him forever. That is my prayer for this Christmas season … may true Joy reign forever!

Heavenly Father, help our heart’s desire of wanting our kids and grandkids to grow up knowing You. There is no better time of the year to share with them all You are and what You mean to us. Thank you for helping us share our faith with them and thank You for the only gift that will last for all eternity … Jesus. Amen.

Letting Go

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