Читать книгу Letting Go - Linda Estes - Страница 27



Good morning! To all my teacher friends, a big “woohoo” for your Christmas break is about to begin!! I received a text yesterday from a friend of mine that I used to teach with. She sent a picture she’d knew I’d enjoy. They received 6 inches of snow the night before so they were having a snow day!! Oh, how I loved snow days when I was teaching and everyone from my students to the superintendent knew it. The kids would yell down the hall when they came in from outside, “Mrs. Estes, it’s snowing!!!” What they didn’t know was that I’d already been doing the snow dance … LOL

I was reflecting yesterday on why I loved snow days so much. I think the simplest answer is that it would give me an unplanned day. It would be a day that could just unfold naturally, without anything on my schedule. A day where I was able to hear God easier, without all the schedules and busyness of normal days interfering.

Psalm 46:10 tells us to just let go and let God be God, knowing He is in control, or that’s how I paraphrase the verse. None of us know what we are going to encounter in our days, but God does. If you’re like me, we try to schedule what will happen because we want control. But God wants us to let go of that control and have “snow days,” where we give God our days and let Him do our scheduling.

Just as snow brings about peaceful tranquility, letting go and letting God be in control of every detail of our life brings about a peace that not even a snow day could compare to. Here’s to not waiting for a snow day before we let God be God in our life. And if God wants to give us some snow, that would be the icing on our cake!!

Lord, please help us transfer the lessons we learn from having snow days to our everyday lives … letting You schedule our days. Amen.

Letting Go

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