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Good morning! I stand in awe once again of how God takes care of everything He has created. Recently, I was playing outside with my dog, when I heard a flock of geese getting close. As they came over my house, I watched how they flew in an inverted V-shape. When the one in the front had flown in that position for awhile, he’d break off and go to the back of the flock where it’s burden wasn’t as great and another one would take the front position.

This reminded me of what God calls us to do. Galatians 6:2 tells us to, “Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.” When we have burdens too great to carry by ourselves, that’s when as brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to come alongside and offer help. Each and every one of us will have our own load to carry, and God expects us to carry that load. But when life dishes out more than what we can handle alone, that’s when we need the help of others.

Holidays are a really good time to help those whose burdens are many. It might be a single mom, who, even though she works a couple of jobs, can’t afford to give her kids the Christmas that she’d like. It could be someone that has lost a loved one and the holidays just remind them of that void. Or it could be someone who is fighting a terminal illness wondering if this is their last Christmas. Whatever the need is, it doesn’t take a lot to step in to help bear their burdens. As you pick up gifts for your loved ones, pick up a few extra and drop them off to a family in need. For those that have lost loved ones or are fighting a terminal illness, give them some of your time. Stopping by to just say hello and to give them a hug lets them know that they’re not alone. So whatever God is calling you to do, I pray that you would be obedient. You might just be what they need to renew their hope.

Lord, thank You that Your Word shows us how we are to live this life. Help us lighten someone’s load today. Amen.

Letting Go

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