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Good morning! Several days ago, we experienced what was known as a “supermoon.” It is called a supermoon because it’s substantially brighter than what a normal full moon would be. On the news, they said that this was the only supermoon that we will experience in the year 2017. Hope you had the chance to witness its beauty.

That moon got me thinking about the true Light of the World … Jesus. Until we asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we were living in darkness. But once we accept the gift of salvation, we begin living in the Light, just like Colossians 1:13-14 tells us. “For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Once we’ve been brought into the Light upon salvation, Ephesians 5:8-10 tells us that we are to walk as children of light and learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Others around us should be able to notice a change in our lives once we accept Jesus. We will still sin, but as we learn what pleases God, we should sin less, and others will notice that change. When people ask, “What’s up with you?” since you are not doing or saying the things from the darkness you had been living in, you can tell them about the Savior that has brought you into the Light.

My prayer is that our lives will shine brighter than any supermoon and that others can see the Light of the Lord shine through us on a daily basis. Living in the Light of the Lord will help draw others to Him. Unlike the Supermoon, God’s Light can be found every day of the year.

Lord, You truly are the Light of the world. Please guide my days so that Your light will shine bright through me. When darkness tries to close in, remind me that darkness and Light can’t live together, and help me always choose You, the Light. Amen.

Letting Go

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