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Good morning! I’ve been reflecting a lot about life since my time in the hospital last week. In our lives, we are only given a set amount of time and there are no “do-overs.” I don’t know about you, but for me, not many days go by that I don’t wish I could have a do-over on something from that day and wished I had more than the twenty-four hours we are given each day.

Are you a list maker? I have been one my whole life. But as one of God’s children, I’ve learned how to deal with my lists better. These days when I look at my list, I asked the Lord to filter my list through His priorities. I’m wanting Him to cross out for me anything that doesn’t need to happen and mark those things that are a priority for today. I’m getting pretty good with my lists this way but still get thrown off from time to time with what He adds to my list. This usually requires me to go back to my list and remove something to make room for God’s add-on.

I love Psalm 90:12. It’s a good verse to use as a prayer when I’m dealing with time issues. “So, teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom.” God wants to help us make the most of our time, so we can grow in wisdom. Verse 17 says, “And let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and do confirm for us the work of our hands.” Just like this verse says, don’t we all want the life He’s given us to count for Him? We want the work that we do for the Lord to have meaning. As much as we want this, God wants it even more for us. So, as we go about our day, let’s focus on the precious resource that God has given us, time, and use it wisely.

Lord, help me to do the things today that would honor You. Since I know that once an hour passes, I’ll never get that hour back. So please give me Your guidance in using my time wisely and may my lists reflect Your priorities for me life. Amen.

Letting Go

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