Читать книгу Letting Go - Linda Estes - Страница 13



Good morning! As I sit here doing my morning devotion, I am reminded of a verse that has helped me get through the tough times. This verse is on a picture that hangs in my living room. Hebrews 12:1 reminds me to keep pushing on. “Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

In this verse, we are told to run with endurance. Our journey in life is more of a marathon than a sprint. Endurance is when we “cowgirl up” and don’t give in to the situation and let God help us take another step. Sometimes, it’s just taking that first step that we need help with, and other times we need help on the hundredth step, and yet other times we need help for every step. You get the idea.

In my life I have found that venting to someone that I trust about my situation helps me get things off my chest. When I hang onto things and don’t get them off my chest, that’s when the enemy likes to come in and mess with me. He would like nothing more than for me to keep chewing on the same thing over and over because he knows that gets my focus off God and squarely on whatever the situation is.

The best way to not fixate on the problem is to realize what the last line of that verse says...”the race God has set before us.” When I acknowledge the fact that whatever is happening in my life, it is there because God has set it before me, my mindset changes. I must remember that God has either orchestrated the situation or has allowed it to be in my life. Since He has placed it before me, He will be with me in whatever it is. And as long as God is with me, I can endure anything because I am never alone. My prayer is that you also take God with you as you run the race He has set before you.

God, with You by my side, there isn’t any part of the race out there that I can’t run. Thank you for Your constant help. Amen.

Letting Go

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