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Good morning! As I finished wrapping Christmas presents for this year, I stopped to thank God for giving me the means to get out and buy these gifts for those I love. But as I was thinking about all the gifts God has given me, I was once again reminded that the things in life that mean the most can’t be bought. Those things are like the gift of time, memories, family traditions, everyday kindnesses, and genuine love.

Have you noticed that the holidays seem to either bring out the best in people or their worst? I think we see less than their best due to the stress that often comes with the “to do” lists that we create during these times. I don’t know why we make things so complicated. It seems that the simpler we can make holidays, the more we enjoy them. When we are not stressed out, we can enjoy the time God has given us with family and friends. We can make new and lasting memories and can enjoy those family traditions that warm our hearts. And when our hearts are warmed, everyday kindnesses just naturally flow from us to others.

Our best example of genuine love comes straight from the Lord. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence…” Or in other words, we need to be ready to share the hope we have through Jesus in a loving way any time we are asked. The question we could get asked could be something like, “How can you stay so positive with everything going on in your life?” And that’s when we can share our faith by telling them that the only way we could still be positive is because we’re not doing this life alone. Jesus is with us every step of the way. Praying you’ll have your answer ready when asked to give the reason for your hope.

Jesus, help me be prepared to share who You are and what all You have done in my life when I get that opportunity. Amen.

Letting Go

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