Читать книгу Letting Go - Linda Estes - Страница 29



Good morning! We are in the season of giving. Let’s start today out with a few questions to ponder. When is the last time you gave a gift and expected nothing in return, not even a thank you? Or when is the last time you gave a gift anonymously? Do you give in order to receive the praise you’ll get from others? Or do you give extravagantly so you’ll out shine everyone else?

Matthew 6:3-4 tells us that “when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” Some of my greatest blessings have come from giving anonymously. I pray that those who have given to me in secret will experience great blessings, too. I think the question we really need to ask ourselves is, “What’s our motivation for giving?” If we look to Jesus as our example when it comes to giving, our motivation should be all about serving others … plain and simple, just serving others.

Some people go plum crazy with how much they spend on Christmas gifts. Some spend so much that they are paying for those gifts on credit cards all year long. I might look at things wrong, but I believe that our giving should just be a reminder of our love for those we give to instead of trying to “buy” their love by spending a fortune. Jesus showed us the best way to give...giving of ourselves. Money can’t buy the feeling we get when we give of our time or talents to help others. During this holiday season, give a gift that only you can give by serving others. Let the gift of your time and attention be the one gift not on their list because they didn’t know how such a gift would warm their heart. And you don’t need a gift receipt either because this is a gift worth holding on to.

Lord, there is no one that can out give You. As we give, examine our hearts and bring to light any wrong motives we might have as we give to others. Thank You for giving us the perfect example for what it looks like to give from a pure heart. Amen.

Letting Go

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