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Good morning! Something I do at the beginning of each new year is make a budget. It helps me see how I need to use the money God has so graciously provided me with. This budget is just a flexible plan that is subject to change as God instructs me differently, but it’s a good place to start.

As I was reading in the New Testament, I noticed a notation that I had written after 1 Timothy 6:18-19. The note said, “When you see a dollar, be reminded that what you do with it reveals your character.” Wow, now that will stop and make you think! We all need money to live, there’s no getting around that. But God expects us to be good stewards with what He’s given us. Since we are to be about Kingdom work, does our spending reflect that endeavor? Are we financially taking care of what’s been entrusted to us, or are we living beyond our means?

We need to remember that those who have not yet come to faith in Jesus closely watch those who call themselves God’s children. They look to see if their words and actions line up. With that being the case, as a Christian, being financially responsible is another way to be a good witness for the Lord. Living within our means shows others that God provides His children with what they need. As we begin a new calendar year, it would be good to prayerfully look over our finances to make sure they are pleasing to God, and make any changes God leads us to make.

Lord, help us find ways to bless others through the resources You have so graciously given us. Give us eyes to see the needs of others and show us how we can be an extension of Your love. Help us remember that those who don’t yet call You Lord are watching Believers. Please help our words and actions line up. Help us be good stewards of what You have given us. Amen.

Letting Go

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