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2 Preparing for Hiring


You have carefully considered your need for additional staff and have determined that you do, indeed, need to hire an employee. This decision is typically made for one of two reasons:

(a) Your ability to produce products or provide services is hindered because you do not have adequate staff to cover production needs.

(b) You have a need for a specific skill that is not present in your existing workforce.

When you hire, you need to do it right. Doing it right means doing it in the most cost-effective and time-efficient manner possible. Hiring a new employee may seem like a fairly straightforward endeavor upon first examination, but don’t act before carefully preparing.

While there are never any guarantees that the person you hire will work out, there are some steps you can take to attract the best candidates, and precautions you can take to improve your chances of making an informed decision.

Employee Management for Small Business

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