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3.3 Newspaper and trade journal ads


Advertising in the newspaper or in trade journals is still a common recruiting method for many positions, and one that is familiar to most job seekers. Advertising for job candidates follows the same principles as any other type of advertising — you need to identify your target audience, write an ad that will attract its attention, and provide information that will help audience members determine whether they are qualified for, and interested in, the position you have available.

The function of recruitment advertising is to attract qualified applicants. If your ads are not on target, you are going to fail in your initial efforts at recruitment. You need to know specifically what kind of person you are looking for and be thoroughly familiar with the job requirements and specifications before you develop your ad.

You are most likely to get a large response if you run employment ads in your weekend newspaper, but there are some exceptions. The Wall Street Journal, for instance, runs a special section on Tuesdays devoted to employment advertising. Other papers may also have special days that you should be aware of. You can bet that the job hunters know about them.

Most employment ads are run in the employment section of the classified ads. However, you might also consider running a display ad in another section of the paper. For instance, if you are looking for a manager or supervisor, you might want to run a display ad in the business section. If you are looking for someone for real estate sales, you might advertise in the real estate section of the paper. Some papers have separate career listings in business sections or other sections of the paper for professional and managerial career opportunities.

Be innovative. And remember, there is no reason why you can’t advertise in two or more sections of the same paper, using a combination of approaches.

Another popular means of attracting potential employees is through the use of trade publications that are geared specifically to a certain trade or profession. The one drawback here is that most of these publications are monthly and have long lead times for advertising. You might need to have your ad ready three months in advance before it will even appear in one of these publications.

Employee Management for Small Business

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