Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 71

1. Step to boost your mindset for success: Do you know what success means to you personally?


As different as people are, so is the definition of success for each individual. For some success may mean earning a lot of money, for others success means overcoming a serious illness, yet others see their success in being recognized and respected, or finding the love of their lives. Perhaps all of this applies to you or you have a completely different definition of success. Whatever you wish to be successful, you should first become aware of what success means to you and what success looks like to you. Whatever you define success and what it includes for you, one thing is clear in every case, who is successful, who achieves the goals and intentions he has set himself. Furthermore, for many, the recognition associated with achieving a goal is an essential indicator for their own success, if not even the main motivation to achieve a goal. Moreover, it can be said that people generally feel successful when the challenges they face run parallel to their growing abilities and skills and they thus have the feeling that they are up to the demands and tasks. However, as soon as an overload occurs, the successful completion of a project is automatically at risk, if the feeling of overload lasts longer, which can lead to stress or even burnout. In the opposite case, i.e. when the challenges are lower than a person's existing knowledge and skills, an overload due to understraining quickly arises and leads to boredom and a loss of motivation. The right level of demands in relation to the available resources is therefore decisive for success. This book is designed to help you achieve your goals, invest time in your success and also take time to read this book, because you will have more of it if you internalize the individual chapters and perform the suggested exercises instead of skimming through this book in quick succession. Use this book to change your life and make your dreams come true!

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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