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18. Step to boost your mindset for success: Set priorities


After you have made a big step with your brain storming towards your deepest heart desires and longings, it is time to take a closer look at your result. Sometimes we confuse wishes with emotions that are really behind them. It may be that you wish you had a lot of money, but in reality you may wish you had unlimited development opportunities. Or you wish to be successful in your profession, although you don't like doing it at all and basically wish to be recognized and respected. Therefore, it is advisable to take a close look at your supposed wishes and to make yourself aware of what you really want, or what is really behind your wishes and goals and what motivates you seriously for your goals. What makes your goal desirable for you? As soon as you are clear about your wishes, you should set priorities. Which of your wishes are most important to you? Reduce your wishes to the 5 that you want to achieve the most and which play the most important role in your life at the moment. Write down your wishes in the appropriate order, start with your most important goal, etc. If you set your goals in writing, this has a number of advantages. The focus on your goals increases many times over, since the conscious written examination is much more profound than a mere mental occupation with a topic. Furthermore, experience has shown that a written submission leads to clearer and more explicit wording, which considerably simplifies the setting of concrete objectives. In addition, you have your goals in black and white in front of you and can read what you have set out to do at any time, and you do not run the risk of losing your goals, as is often the case with thoughts and flashes of inspiration. Apart from this, it is extremely substantial for the successful achievement of goals to deal with the set goals on a daily basis. If you write down your goals, you can simply hang them in a place where you can spend a lot of time seeing and reading your list. This approach helps you to stay on the home straight and also has the effect that your goals get deeper and deeper into your subconscious. Furthermore, a written target plan has the same effect as a contract you have concluded with yourself personally, and thus encourages you to implement the goals you have set yourself.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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